Photo credit: Elfie Semotan

Photo credit: Elfie Semotan

Gregor Eichinger was born in Austria and studied architecture in Vienna where many of his passions were born.When Led Zeppelin’s first LP was released he was twelve. 
Gregor was thirteen when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon. 
When Gregor saw the science fiction film Blade Runner for the first time he was 26.

Gregor was professor for architecture at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. He teached also at the Academy of fine arts in Munich and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

From 1984 to 2005 he ran an architecture firm together with Christian Knechtl known as “eichinger oder knechtl”.

Since 2005 the name of the architecture studio has been “eichinger offices”, which pursues the following design approaches:

“In our architecture the holistic experience of space and the perception of the materiality of the surfaces with all our senses is an essential aspect.

In our designs, we work on those surfaces of architecture that we perceive as a multidimensional experience in daily use and focus on the emotional exchange that arises from this.

We attach particular importance to the interdisciplinary exchange of areas related to architecture, such as fashion, art, film, theater, music, psychology, physics, etc.”

The result is an architectural experience, complete and direct, with a targeted design of the atmosphere and a design approach that is directed from the inside to the outside.

EO Team:

Lea Artner, Mag.Arch. -

Robert Froschauer, Dipl.Ing. -

Vanessa Engelmann, BA -

Nina Haider, Dipl.Ing. -

Andreas Lint, Dipl.Ing. -

Alice Mosalova, MSc -

Fiona Pelz  -